Monday, May 26, 2008

Last Hours in DC

I'm down to my last few hours in DC. Lots of tears, lots of smiles, too many good-byes. Certain things I should have probably left a little differently, but there's nothing that can be done now. I just hope that I have packed everything I need - Kara didn't to think I needed Dove Bodywash (wdym???) - but either way I will have to make numerous adjustments when I get to Paraguay.

Many people have asked if I am excited; the truth is that right now I am not. This is not to say that there is only the anguish of leaving everything I know and love behind, but one of the many emotions I will encounter on my journey. This is whole thing is so huge, and I really don't think I'll grasp the idea that I'm really doing this until I begin the pre-departure orietation or set foot in Asuncion. In the end, I know it will be an amazing experience.

I still have several things to do, and it would be great if I could get some sleep tonight, so that's all for now...


Shahidah58 said...

Hi Sasha,

I know we said fair-well, kinda. But since I wasn't there when you left, I wanted to just wish you well and let you know that I sincerely hope this experience will rewarding for you and the people you will help. Keep the faith!

Unknown said...

Hail Sasha:

Sorry we missed seeing you one more time before leaving DC. Have a safe and wonderful time! We look forward to seeing all your updates and have bookmarked your blog!

Nuff love,

John, Hilda and Duncan

Anonymous said...

Greetings, Sasha,

We've never met, but I know of you through your Mom, whom I've known for nearly 40 years (wow! has it been that long?). I was in Bangkok, conducting another series of case research/writing/teaching workshops for the Thai government university when Trish forwarded your "blog site" (is that what it's called? I'm not the most computer savvy of people).

Here's wishing you a productive, fun, and "learning-ful" (not a word, but should be) time in Paraguay. Perhaps we'll meet at some point after your return.

Fare you well in your sojourn.

Pob kan mai, krab!

Cleopatricia Tanoeiro said...

Hi Sashi
I am trying to print out your blogs for JJ and cannot seem to do so--any thoughts.